20 Years of Epoque Quartet
You learned it FIRST here - about the special birthday concert of this unique multi-genre quartet with really stellar guests.
Epoque Quartet will celebrate 20 years in Lucerna Grand Hall
Exclusive guests – Dagmar Pecková, Barbora Poláková, Dasha, Dan Bárta, Marek Eben, Matěj Ruppert, Jiří Lábus, Petr Čtvrtníček, Robert Balzar, Ondřej Brousek, Jan Kučera, Radek Baborák, Martin Kumžák, David Braid, Belfiato Quintet, Duo Siempre Nuevo
A festive birthday evening of the most famous Czech multi-genre formation in the iconic setting of Lucerna Grand Hall. The popular Czech string ensemble is preparing a selection of the best they created during their 20-year long musical journey. Looking at the list of guests - congratulators, it is clear that in addition to the great strings, the whole evening will be a unique opportunity to see and listen to top personalities of various music genres, who would otherwise never met on one stage.
"Someone said that playing in a string quartet is like living in a marriage, just in four people. I will leave to everyone to decide what this could feel like, but it should be noted that to survive in such a union for twenty years and stay in a relatively solid mental condition is a real reason to celebrate!", laughs cellist Vítek Petrásek, adding: "In addition to well-working chemistry within the group, we are lucky to frequently meet musicians of the highest level.
For them, collaboration with a string quartet is something new and we are all delighted with the music that comes up from these meetings. We are also very excited to perform these songs to our fans in Lucerna Grand Hall, together with these musical giants."
In addition to Dan Bárta, Matěj Ruppert, Bára Poláková and others who will present their original songs, our guests will for sure love Kurt Weill's song sung by Dagmar Pecková, Jan Kučera's jazz ballad performed by the best horn player Radek Baborák and world premiere of an exclusive piece by Canadian piano mage David Braid. The musical variety will be supported by many other instruments such as piano, guitar, double bass, trombone and percussion. Epoque Quartet invites you to the concert with one last reason to go - "Last but not least, we are looking to getting surprised by Jirka Lábus and Petr Čtvrtníček, who will be our hosts for the evening."
... the wonderful evening is over
... THANK YOU, all our visitors
... THANK YOU, our dearest congratulators and guests
... THANK YOU, Czech TV
... THANK YOU, our co-workers and technicians
... here are many photos from the concert and backstage ...
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